

2024-04-05   12

採用工藝:FRP(仿樹造型)、阻燃樹葉、矽酸鈣板牆身彩繪等。 整個舞臺佈景包裝以魔幻森林為主題配合舞臺燈光效果:長102米*寬11米*高18米 面積約3000平方米,本工程為配合長隆春節前開業,加班加點高質量完成,受到長隆集團的書面表揚和感謝! Guangzhou Chimelong International Circus Project Production and Installation of FRP (imitation tree shape), flame-retardant leaves, calcium silicate board wall painting, etc. The entire stage scenery is packaged with the theme of magic forest and the stage lighting effect: 102 meters long * 11 meters wide * 18 meters high, covering an area of ​​about 3,000 square meters. In order to cooperate with Chimelong's opening before the Spring Festival, this project was completed with high quality and worked overtime. It was well received by Chimelong. Written praise and thanks from the group!