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採用工藝:前廣場入口大型FRP招牌(長33米*寬2米*高6米);第一次使用進口A級防火FRP,鋼架採用#316不銹鋼。 乘風破浪動雕(總高8米,直徑6.8米)位於前廣場入口水池,外部為FRP材質包裝,內部主鋼結構+機械裝置。分兩個部分:上部大魚和下部水浪,大魚左右搖擺5度,升降揚程0.8米。上下升降,左右搖擺交錯進行。很活潑的樣子就像歡迎我們的的到來!水池旁還有5組海洋動物(高2.2米)與鯨魚一起帶我們探索海洋世界。 廣場各處分佈擺放著15組大大小小形態各異的卡通海洋生物雕塑(約3米~4米高)。 Zhuhai Chimelong Spaceship Plaza Project Production and Installation large signboard at the front plaza entrance (33m x 2m x 6m tall); imported Class A fireproof FRP is used for the first time, and the steel frame is made of 316 stainless steel. The dynamic sculpture Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves (8 m in total height and 6.8 m in diameter) is located at the entrance pool of the front square. The exterior is packaged with FRP material and the interior is a main steel structure + mechanical device. It is divided into two parts: the upper fish and the lower waves. The big fish swings 5 degrees left and right, and the lifting lift is 0.8 m. Lift up and down, swing left and right in a staggered manner. Very lively, as if welcoming our arrival! Next to the pool, there are 5 groups of marine animals (2.2 m high) and whales taking us to explore the ocean world. 15 groups of cartoon marine life sculptures (about 3 to 4 m high) of various sizes and shapes distributed throughout the plaza.